Amida Okina

Slayer Turned Demon
"It's much more fun to kill you when I can consume you afterwards."

art by AllCapsAloha

Basic Information

NAME Amida Okina GENDER Male
SLAYER BREATH Blood Breathing ASSOCIATIONS Ex-Slayer/Demon
BLOOD DEMON ART Blood Art Consumption PLAYLIST x

Design Notes

  • Amida's eyes are both bright red. His right eye looks human, while his left demon. If he wants to act like a demon slayer in order to confuse other demons he will cover his left eye.
  • Amida's incisors and the teeth behind them are sharpened. His fangs are sightly slimmer than othe demons as he doesn't use them for ripping into flesh.
  • Amida is able to hide his claws and make them look like normal human fingers. Though his default is long pointed, claw like fingernails.
  • Amida will occasionally wear his mask, when he does both of his eyes become demon eyes. The mouth on the mask moves when he speaks, making it look like it's melded to his face.
  • The bandages on Amida's right arm are only for decoration. There are scars under them, but if they fall off he makes no effort to cover his scars.


  • Blood Art Consumption: Amida's Blood Demon Art gives him the ability to consume the blood of any demon and gain their abilities for a generous amount of time. The more blood he consumed the longer he gets the other demon's ability. This does nt men that he immediately knows how to use the ability. He does have to learn to use it, and once he does he will continue to drain said demon of their blood until he kills them. He carries vials of blood from demons whose abilities he enjoys using. With enough blood consumption, his Art allows him to take less and less blood for more time. No ability gained is ever permanent.
  • Kyūketsuki: Kyūketsuki is Amida's Nichirin Sword. The blade is about the length of his arm with a spiral blade. The blade itself is not for decapitating his enemies, but for creating wounds that not only take a very long time to heal especially for demons, but don't stop bleeding. The sword was created for the purpose of making devistating stab wounds, though has since been modified and hollowed out in order for Amida to be able to collect the blood of demons. The hilt is detatchable and can fit a vial within that helps him use his Blood Demon Art. Amida doesn't just use this sword on demons, but humans as well. The devistating wounds his blade creates are very effective in bleeding humans to death.
  • Blood Breathing: Not only does Amida have a Blood Demon Art, but he has a self taught breath ability from when he trained under the Demon Slayers. He only uses this against enemies he doesn't think he can handle with just his Blood Demon Art or his blade alone.
  • Amida has standard demon strengths like regeneration, super speed, and inhuman strength. However due to his unique turning he can stay in the sun for a brief period of time before starting to burn. The most amount of time he has spent in direct sunlight is thirty minutes. However he can stay in tree shaded areas for about an hour.


Amida is a talented liar with a heart of black. He has made deception into an art. His favorite thing to do is toy with people, as he never fully reveals his full intentions until the very last second, and by then it's already too late for his unsuspecting victim. He is cold, cruel and callus.



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You think you know what happens behind the scenes of the Slayers don't you? I bet you believe all those kids they recruit are willing participants. Trained right out of the shoot, given these awesome swords, and trained to kill demons. No one really asks the 'good guys' how things actually are. Well I'm here to tell you that things aren't as glamorous as they appear. I'm going to tell you how I became this thing that even demons detest. What those slayers did to an innocent kid centuries ago that made me what I am today.

The Beginning

I'll start with the night that my family was killed. Of course you can't have a good demon slayer without some sort of tragic backstory right? Most trainees in that corps and even the kids who don't make it through the finals all lost their families or someone to demons. Almost all of them have some sort of mark or scar from the attack. These people look for these poor kids, and I was no exception to this unspoken rule. My family, along with almost my entire village had been killed by a group of demons. I was the only surviving child of the people, and because of the mark left on my face from the attack on my parents and sibling no one would take me in. Lucky me, I was found by a demon slayer almost a week after the initial attack. From what I learned they had been tracking that group for a while and had lost their trail. No excuse for leaving a kid to starve and nearly freeze to death, but at least I was found by someone right? Wrong... The 'cultivator' as they call them, who found me was a many times failed indoctrinee. He was desperate for a success story and was convinced I was it.

This man was cruel in his training. Not only did he never give me his name, but I never saw his face. He always wore a mask that resembled a fox. He left me in the forest for months on end, alone and without any form of protection. Said it would 'make me strong'. Well after that nearly killed me, he decided the cabin was where he would leave me next. This had a bit of food, and even less water, and for a kid at my age that was nothing. Shame on him for choosing the smallest and youngest child he could find for such a thing. No small child should ever have to endure what he did to me. After a while he came to terms with the fact that I was far too young to be left alone at all, and started to actually take care of me. But that didn't mean that his behavior got any better. One wrong move and he would send me out into the snow for days. One misstep and it was a beating. This man was no longer training someone who would willingly follow his instructions. I hate to admit it now, but the child I had been was driven solely out of fear for this man and his cruel means of 'training' if you could even call it that.

Following years of abuse I was finally of age for him to actually start training me with a weapon. He gave me a sword and told me to defend myself. I've heard that most of these people are supposed to train you in breathing first. No, he came at me with a katana and went straight for my head. Had it not been for my already trained reactions in protecting myself from his beatings, I know he would have killed me. I remember how shaky my hands were, how I didn't even hear the clash of his blade against his. Not all I was concerned about was trying to get away from him, but knowing that he was now the only person who even knew I existed anymore. I'm sure if I went back to my village, even if I remembered where it was, no one would have recognized me or even thought twice about leaving me on the streets. This abusive slayer was now the only thing I knew.

After almost an entire week of restlessly learning how to use a sword, he then taught me how to breathe. But by then Final Selection was coming up and he hadn't taught me anything else about what I was to expect about being a Slayer, or even what I was supposed to do next. That desperate man set me up for failure, and I'm sure that was exactly how he treated the other kids he essentially murdered. Well I was shipped off to Final Selection at the beginning of my seventh spring with this cultivator and I was none the wiser than when I first met that horrible man. Once more I was stuck in a forest for a week with just some shoddy sword and about thirty other kids just like me. And all of them were scared out of their wits, just like me.

What I Became

The first night of this grueling survival test was filled with the screams of the other kids. No one had told me up until the test started that the forest would be filled with demons. I wasn't trained against demons at all. I didn't even know what I was in for. But in watching the slaughter of other kids from a tall tree I chose to hide in, I quickly learned the types of monsters I was facing and how to kill them. In that week I taught myself better breathing, and even sword styles that fit what I felt was right. Blood Breathing. And even though I was now okay with the katana that had been given to me, I still had no idea how to survive. Killing animals for food never occured to me. It wasn't something I even considered would be the correct means of surviving. So by day five, while I was able to swing a sword, I was starving, injured from fights with low level demons, and on the brink of giving up. Though something came to me while I hid that night. I had seen so many demons eating the kids that I had been shoved into this place with... Could the demons be eaten?

Looking back on it, I now see how stupid of an idea that was. But it made sense to me. I was never taught to hunt anything aside from these evil looking humanoids. To me they had become a prey animal. They were the means of my survival in every way, now including food. Oh the look of pure shock on the first demon I decided to take a bite out of is still amusing to me. But the blood was somehow sweet in my mouth and quenched a thirst that I hadn't been able to subdue in what felt like forever. I felt stronger, no longer starving or even sickly. My blood rushed with a new life I had never felt before. It never occured to me that this would lead to me becoming one of them. The need to continue to eat these beings now became the only thing I was concerned about. And by the end of the week within that forest I had become a demon hunting machine. I stepped out of that forest a new kid, and the only survivor of the group I had been stranded with. Once again I was lucky.

After that I was given an actual sword that was made to kill demons, but mine had been specially made. A screw like sword was presented to me. the first and only of its kind. I guess the metal and the color it changed to when I held the initial katana to help the sword makers choose what type of blade to make inspired a design that would bleed anything I stabbed to death. With a few modifications, I made it so I could secretly store vials of blood in the hilt and gather what ran down my blade. The more I fought demons, the more I became one of them. I would say it took maybe three years for my turning to be complete, but by then I had already surpassed so many slayers before me. All the while secretly learning my Blood Demon Art. At that time I was one of the strongest they had seen. The first Blood Hashira, but I didn't want that. Y'see after everything this corps had done for me, I still hated them and that man who killed any humanity I had left in me.

It was time for the demon to rise and show all of the slayers who they actually had in their ranks. I had everything set up. Stage an attack on some poor unfortunate traveler then come running back to the slayers with a report of some sort of terribly strong demon rampaging through the area. Well the trap worked. Not only did they bring a small army, but two Hashria to this battle. The stage was set, all I needed was to show them my true power. The looks on their faces when they realized I was their demon will forever be ingrained in my head. Some begged me to explain. Other slayers tried to retreat because they didn't want to kill one of their own. All of it was so... Pathetic. That night I showed them exactly what I had taught myself through their training. The Blood Breathing that they had never seen before and didn't know how to counter. And then my Art. See, by my turning stemming from consuming numerous demons over a span of years, my art was something else. I could take the powers of other demons by drinking their blood, and with stored vials of blood collected from hunts, I could gain those abilities whenever I wanted.

That battlefield was a massacre when I was done with it. A bloodbath of gore with no one aside from myself left standing. The Hashiras put up a damned good fight. I'll give them that. One even cut off my arm. Of course it grew back. But none of them had ever seen a demon like me. After everything was said and done and I had put my name on every slayer's tongue and fear into all of their hearts I went after the one person I wanted to end the most. The cultivator that did this to me in the first place. I left that old bastard with his head on a stake in the same forest he left me in all those years ago. Funny, I almost thought he would have put up more of a fight, but I guess he was just as much a failure of a slayer than he was a failure in providing the corps with child soldiers. His only success was now a demon who came back to end his sorry existance.

Over centuries many slayers have tried tracking me, but all have failed. Even demons know my name and have also come after me. Apparently Muzon didn't like a rogue that he couldn't control. But I disposed of them as well. While all of the initial shock has died down, I still hear my name being passed around every generation of slayer or so. I guess they've made it a point to tell the newbies about me. Precious. I guess that old coot did something right after all. His name only lives on in my infamy, and I am now hunter of demons, humans and slayers alike.



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Meaning of his name Roughly translates to "Holy God of Death"
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