Welcome to Killjoy's Character Hub

A storage place for all my assholes

What do you wanna see?


if the content of this sidebar exceeds the height, it will scroll.

About Killjoy

Fuck I dunno what to write here!

I'll figure it out later. For now it'll just be this I guess.
I'm so crap at making 'about me's.


  • this is a list.
  • in a table.


  • this is a list.
  • in a table.


  • this is a list.
  • in a table.

Updates and thoughts

I guess this is just sharing my thoughts for right now.

UPDATE 6/16/24

Finished Jayden's full profile and gallery. His page is ready to go. I'm still learning a lot about how to code this type of shit, but I think I'm doing a lot better. I've managed to credit and link all of the artists for everything I have commissioned so far in Jayden's gallery, and also managed to figure out how to ad background images to pages. So that's cool. I'm going to move on to Belial and get his profile done and start on moving his gallery here too. Wish me luck.